Gilbert Méthode Traditionelle 2017 (6 Bottles) Mudgee

$411.00 GST Included


Sourced from the foothills of Mt Canobolas, at an altitude of 880 – 900 metres, these vineyards have extremely fertile soil, rich in volcanic ash. It is deep well drained clay loam, and red and brown ferrosol soils derived from basalt, with silty textures being found at hill top sites. One of Australia’s cooler climate regions, Orange has a mean January temperature of 19.5°C with a 15°C variance between summer and winter months and an average rainfall of approximately 875mm per annum. With Orange being the highest wine growing region in Australia, grapes grown here not only enjoy all the benefits of its cooler temperatures and unique topography, but also benefit from over 9 hours per day of direct sunshine during the growing season. The combination of both the cooler climate and plentiful sunshine is vital to the fruit’s ability to develop intense aromas and maintain flavour.


Simon Gilbert – Winemaker

As his friends, mentors and previous employees have gone on to international acclaim, Dad has quietly continued doing what he loves, away from the limelight… crafting great wine for you all to enjoy! Wine of purity, elegance and vibrancy. Wine that is varietally true to itself, clean and technically sound.

It’s a real honour to be working side by side with him, someone of his calibre who is revered by so many of his contemporaries. Dad has had a significant impact on the career of countless young winemakers across the countryside and I feel incredibly fortunate to be one of those. He gets real enjoyment in shaping and contributing to the careers of the new generation in the wine industry, something that is a true testament to his character. Dad is always willing to share his wisdom and expertise with whoever is asking and I know I am the lucky one that’s able to pick his brains everyday!

His passion for the industry is clear and unwavering. 40+ years on from when he first hosed out a press and dug out his first fermenter he continues to strive for excellence in his wines, regardless of what it takes.

He is a real perfectionist and someone who loves what vintage brings out in himself and also those people under his guidance. If I end up being half the winemaker Simon is, I’ll be happy. — WILL GILBERT

Wines By Cellars