Charlotte Dalton Mr Nobody Rosè (6 Bottles) Adelaide Hills

$182.00 GST Included


A blend of 3 red varieties, Mataro, Tempranillo & Montepulciano

These wines are my expressive wines, I experiment and play with varieties that interest me, many that I have never worked with before and most from Langhorne Creek, which I believe has a very bright future in slightly alternate varieties. It is such fun to make and blend these wines.

Mr Nobody lives in our house, probably yours too. No one knows when he is going to show up, but when he does, he always does something a little bit naughty. No one ever sees him do it, or hears him do it. In fact no one has ever actually met him. But we all know, Mr Nobody did it.



About Charlotte Dalton

I love wine. I have been making wine all over the world for close to two decades. I have been drinking wine all over the world for longer. I love how I feel when I walk through vineyards. I love the journey of turning grapes into wine. I love to watch the personalities develop in every single barrel and I love to observe the effect of the years passing on bottles of wine. To drink my friend’s wines brings me so much pleasure as does discovering wines from artists and places that I don’t know.

I think wine can be felt. I get so much joy making the Charlotte Dalton wines that surely, you will feel joy when you drink them. I firmly believe that a wine must be made with a happy heart and a content soul. And that is, simply, why I make the Charlotte Dalton Wines; to bring me joy, happiness and contentedness and to share and hopefully pass those feelings on to you through the wines.

In case you were wondering; Dalton is my middle name and was my Grandfather Hardy’s christian name. When my 3 brothers and I were little children, my amazing and dearly missed mother, used to tuck us into bed at night and say “love you, love me – love me, love you”

Charlotte Hardy x

Wines By Cellars