Ben Copeman-Hill

Ben Copeman-Hill is the General Manager of National Business Sales for Pure Wine Co.

Based in Sydney, Ben has 20 years experience in the global wine industry with a background in Sales, Supply-Chain, DtC, E-Commerce, Software, Marketing and Buying.

Prior to joining Pure Wine Co., Ben was General Manager of Cellarmasters, Vineful, Vineonline & NZ Wine Society for 7 years. With $100+ million turnover, Ben managed all aspects of these direct to customer online retail businesses with a team of 200+ employees.

Needless to say, Ben is very well connected in the Australian wine industry and amazing to have as a wine distribution partner given he always finds time to help and provide guidance.

Located in Stirling in the Adelaide Hills, Pure Wine Co operates within the Australian market servicing both independent on and off premise as well as the national chains business. Globally, customers are serviced by in-market representation across all key export markets.

Wines from the Pure Wine Co. portfolio are available to be ordered here.

