Jeremy Willcox

Jeremy has been working in the wine trade for almost twenty three years. His profound affection for French wine was established whilst working for Corney & Barrow Wine Merchants in London, a traditional and highly regarded company established in 1780.

During his six years at Corney & Barrow, while working in both the retail and broking departments, Jeremy studied at the Wine & Spirits Educational Trust, achieving all of the levels up to and including the Diploma. He then moved to New York to work for Sotheby’s Wine Department where he developed his knowledge and expertise in some of the world’s great wine cellars.

Jeremy returned to Australia in 2005 to work for red+white for six rewarding years in the Australian trade. In April 2011, Ergo Wine Imports was started with a small opening selection of fine wines which has since grown into today’s impressive portfolio.

Jeremy travels annually to the wine regions of France and the rest of the world to find new wines and tasting the latest vintages from current suppliers.

Wine from Ergo Wines portfolio can be ordered here.
